Tuesday, January 10, 2012

blog boo-boo's

It has been a nightmare for several months when trying to publish my devotionals to our Portions of Grace blog spot. I have worked tirelessly on typing them in the proper space and when hitting the "publish" button, nothing happens. My frustration built up to a high-pitch from trying to get them published. Finally, I just called a good friend who also publishes on P.O.G. and she puts my devotional on for me. Yes, it's wonderful when I see it in print but it lacks the complete satisfaction of doing all of it myself. Still, I hope and pray when others read it that it touches a place in their heart that may have been luke-warm. Now after reading what I have written, perhaps they took interest and drew just a little closer to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

I don't consider myself a "great" writer, but I try to do my best to express the love and warmth that loving God brings out in me. I hope the reader receives that message when perusing my work.

I love writing poetry almost as much as I love writing devotionals and children's stories. When I get right down to it, I love the most what I am working on at the moment. To me, it is a gift from God, the Father. I know that He gives each of His creations (humans) different "gifts". For me it is writing and also many of the other things I can do, such as gardening, sewing, knitting, crocheting, and painting. Whatever I do I try to do it as if I am doing it for our Lord. I can only hope that it is pleasing to our heavenly Father.

I wrote a Christmas poem entitled "Christmas Morn" and submitted it for critique to our writers group. Only minor corrections were made and I was scheduled to post it on our Portions of Grace blog site on December 25th, Christmas day. Well, I got up early and did all the necessary typing in the proper blog space and when I was done, I pushed "publish". Nothing happened. I was about to panic when I remembered my good friend, Virginia Colclasure. I e-mailed her and explained my situation. She told me to send the poem to her and she would post it for me. I was so grateful. As it is, I felt like I had failed the writers group. But, as long as the poem got published, then it was alright. I hope that many eyes read the poem and was blessed by it.

Now, I am going to try harder than ever to make sure my computer does what it's supposed to do. I'm a ding-bat when it comes to "fixing" a problem with the computer, but I'll sure try or find someone who can do it for me. I'm not a quitter. I am also not a slacker. I do my share of work and sometimes more, but my work gets done sooner or later.

And speaking of work...I've got mounds of ironing to finish, a house to clean, and more letters to write. So, until next time, may God be with you. E. Bonnie

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